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With a 27% cash discount, own your chalet with a garden in Masaya, Sidi Abdel Rahman, next to Marassi | View directly on the lagoon 0
1 / 16
EGP 12,000,000
EGP 1,500,000 Down Payment

With a 27% cash discount, own your chalet with a garden in Masaya, Sidi Abdel Rahman, next to Marassi | View directly on the lagoon

Masaya, North Coast
1 month ago
Area (m²)240
Payment OptionCash or Installment
** Developer name: EgyGab Real Estate Development Company ** Project name: Masaya Village, North Coast. - Masaya North Coast was designed with the latest architectural and engineering designs. The village was designed divided into 6 terraces so that all residential units overlook the Mediterranean Sea directly. - Egy Gab Developments built the Masaya Sidi Abdel Rahman project on a large area of ​​30 acres, overlooking a private sandy beach of 300 meters with a depth of 850 metres. - Masaya North Coast Resort is distinguished by its very distinguished location in the heart of the North Coast. It is located 30 kilometers from the new city of Alamein in the first bay of Sidi Abdel Rahman. Specifically, it is located at kilometer 133 of the Alexandria Road. ** Unit specifications: • Building area: 150 square meters + 100 meters garden . • 3 bedrooms. • 3 bathrooms. • Large reception. _________________________________ ** Services and features: • The Egygap project provided a boutique hotel to serve the residents of Village Masaya North Coast. . • Recreational areas for children. • Providing a 24-hour security and guarding team to secure the compound. • A group of equipped gyms. • Places designated for celebrations and barbecues with a distinctive view of the sea. • Providing the village with golf cars to serve the village residents. • Tracks designated for different sports such as walking, running and cycling ___________________________________ ** The location : • Masaya is located on the North Coast near Seashell. • It is one of the villages close to Dabaa Road and is only 265 kilometers away from Greater Cairo. • Masaya Village is located next to Marassi Village, La Vista, John Sodic, De Bay, and Burj Al Arab Airport. • The village of Masaya, North Coast, Sidi Abdel Rahman, is 133 km away from Alexandria. • Masaya Sidi Abd El Rahman North Coast min matar burj alearab wamatar alealamayni. . • Masaya Sidi Abd El Rahman North Coast is approaching Borg El Arab Airport and El Alamein Airport. ___________________________________ ** Total price: 12,000,000 pounds • 10% down payment. • 27% cash discount. _____________________________________ For more information, contact us on:(View phone number)
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