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Second floor chalet 134m  for sale summer Ras El hekma by Sabbour 0
1 / 8
EGP 12,908,000
EGP 645,400 Down Payment

Second floor chalet 134m for sale summer Ras El hekma by Sabbour

Summer, North Coast
2 months ago
Area (m²)134
Payment OptionInstallment
Fully finished middle chalet in Summer, North Coast, Ras El Hekma Area 134 Sqm 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Kitchen Reception Terrace Total price 12,908,000 Payment plan: 5% down payment and installments up to 8 years ------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Alhy Sabbour resort is located at kilometer 242 of the Alexandria-Matrouh Road, and this area is considered the last piece of land in Ras Al-Hikma, and the first piece of land in the resort of Sidi Heneish. Places near Summer North Coast resort - Silver Sands: Summer North Coast is located next to Silver Sands North Coast resort. - Fouka Road: The resort is a short distance away from the new Fouka Road. - Dabaa Road: The resort is also close to Dabaa Road, which is one of the most important main roads on the northern coast. - Al-Abd and Beit Al-Bahr: Summer Alhy Sabbour is located between two of the most important projects on the North Coast, which are Al-Abd and Beit Al-Bahr. ------------------------------------------------------------- About Sedra: SEDRA Real Estate was established in 2000 as one of the first established Real Estate Brokers in Egypt. From the beginning, our strategy has been based on a strong commitment to professionalism and customer service that remains the core of our business philosophy today. -SEDRA has now grown with an experienced staff of professional property consultants dedicated to the needs of both buyer and seller, helping both to succeed today and into the future.
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