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own your Chalet NOW 144m with best price! lagoon view . 0
1 / 8
EGP 10,200,000
EGP 510,000 Down Payment

own your Chalet NOW 144m with best price! lagoon view .

Mazarine, North Coast
2 months ago
Area (m²)144
Payment OptionCash or Installment
BalconySea ViewGymPool
Apartment for sale in Mazarine, New Alamein City Unit Details:- -Real Estate Developer: City edge - Project: Mazarine New Alamien - Unit Type: Chalet - Building Area: 144 m - Bedrooms: 2 rooms - Bathrooms: 2 bathrooms - Finishing Status: Fully -finished - Total Price: 10,200,000 EGP - Down Payment: 5%  -------------------------------------------------- Mazarin New Alamein is considered the most important high-end tourist village launched by City Edge in the heart of New Alamein where the future and the charming nature reflect the blue sea water and golden sands. City Edge has used its vast experience in designing the project using elegant architecture and modern designs creating one of the unique villages that will witness an unprecedented turnout with a wonderful view overlooking the Mediterranean coast. It was built to add charm and beauty to the North Coast region and to provide you luxury living not only a summer destination. Hence, it is an opportunity for luxury and distinction lovers.
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