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Junior Chalet for sale directly on the sea, fully finished, in Hacienda Water 0
1 / 10
EGP 14,000,000
EGP 1,500,000 Down Payment

Junior Chalet for sale directly on the sea, fully finished, in Hacienda Water

Hacienda Heneish, North Coast
2 months ago
Area (m²)150
Payment OptionCash or Installment
BalconyPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecuritySea ViewGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Junior Chalet for sale in the North Coast in Hacienda Water from Palm Hills near Ras El Hekma 4 rooms + 3 bathrooms Private garden The chalet is ultra-modern finished In the first rows on the sea With a down payment of 1.5 million and the rest in installments over 10 years without interest To communicate + WhatsApp 01098848216 Location As usual with any village located at the beginning of the Mediterranean Sea, Hacienda Waters is located specifically at kilometer 190 and specifically between the team of Geveira and The Med, to be an architectural masterpiece in the best location on the coast, and is located on an area of ​​​​161 acres, equivalent to 676,200 square meters, which is a distinguished area, most of which has wonderful and distinctive services and designs, and here are the most important areas near the project. It is located near the most important areas on the coast now, which is Ras El Hekma, which makes it in a distinguished and unique place. It is located near Al Alamein Airport, which saves you a lot of trouble traveling by bus and reduces the time to reach it, in case you are an expatriate or want to come via the airport. Close to the most important tourist areas, which are Sidi Abdel Rahman and the new Fouka Road, which provides easy access to the main tourist areas on the North Coast. Services Safety and Protection Hospital and Pharmacies: Security system in the village Beach monitoring Child care Entertainment services in the village Water city Restaurants and cafes Cinema places Bicycle paths
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