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Fully finished two-room chalet with direct view on the lagoon at the price of the new launch in Amwaj Sidi Abdel Rahman, North Coast. . . 0
1 / 12
EGP 9,000,000
EGP 900,000 Down Payment

Fully finished two-room chalet with direct view on the lagoon at the price of the new launch in Amwaj Sidi Abdel Rahman, North Coast. . .

Amwaj, North Coast
2 weeks ago
Area (m²)95
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecuritySea ViewGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Two-room chalet, fully finished, with direct view on the lagoon, at the price of the new launch, in Amwaj Sidi Abd El Rahman, North Coast. . . Amwaj - Sidi Abd ElRahman - North Coast  - One of the projects: Melee Developments  - Area: 95 meters  Divided into (2 rooms + 2 bathrooms + double reception + American kitchen + terrace on the lagoon)  - Cash required: 900,000 and the rest in installments up to 6 years without interest  More than one payment system is available  - For more details and reservations, call: (View phone number) Or leave a message with your number and we will contact you as soon as possible with all the details.
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