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For Sale, A House At A Aommercial Price And A Great Location, three Floors, Fully Finished, Floor Area 157 Sqm, Eastern Facade 0
1 / 4
EGP 5,500,000

For Sale, A House At A Aommercial Price And A Great Location, three Floors, Fully Finished, Floor Area 157 Sqm, Eastern Facade

10th of Ramadan, Sharqia
4 weeks ago
Area (m²)225
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionCash
Sale/RentFor Sale
House at a commercial price and a Great location, eastern facade, on parking, 1000 m, and the second house in the green belt, three floors, fully finished, floor area 157The floor is in an apartment in the neighboring12 neighborhing in the second district of the 10th of Ramadan Location of the house: Eastern facade on parking and the second house in the green belt Neighboring location: - On one of the most important roads of the 10th of Ramadan (Green Belt), the first link between the 10th and the Misr-Ismailia Road and the regional ring road. Land area:- 906 m Bue :- 157 sqm for one floor and one floor for an apartment The building actually contains: a ground floor, two repeating floors and columns for the third. A fifth floor and roof room can be added. Delivery Date : Ready to Deliver Total Price: 5,500,000 million Marketing This Asset By Quality Company For Management And Investment Real Estate Assets Address : The 10th Of Ramadan - City Center - Second Stage - Q-Mall - First Floor - Behind Carrefour And Cinema Diamond To Contact Us (View phone number) (View phone number) (View phone number) (View phone number)
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