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Chalet in Glee-North Coast with 10% down payment 0
1 / 19
EGP 2,800,000
EGP 280,000 Down Payment

Chalet in Glee-North Coast with 10% down payment

North Coast, Matruh
2 months ago
Area (m²)50
Payment OptionCash or Installment
SecuritySea ViewGymPool
50 Meter 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Location:  Located At 58 KM  - Land area 50 fidan  - ⁠370 meter beach lengths  - ⁠670 meters depth  Distance from:  - 20 mins Alamein  - 15 mins Marina  - 30 mins Sidi Abdelrahman  - 10 mins Borg Alarab Airport   Facilities:  - International Branded Hotel of 200 Rooms  - ⁠Hotel Apartments  - ⁠Clubhouse  - ⁠Wellness Club  - ⁠Gym - ⁠Aquapark  - ⁠Sandy lagoon - ⁠Water Features  - ⁠Commercial Area     Tharaa Real Estate Development brings you a masterpiece in Glee, a luxurious beachfront development. Located at kilometer 58 of the Alexandria-Marsa Matrouh road, Glee is an ideal destination for a weekend getaway or a quiet permanent residence. The new Tharaa project on the North Coast is one of the most strategically located tourism projects, providing easy access to the most prominent tourist destinations and necessary facilities in the region.
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