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Chalet for sale in Ras Sudr, ground floor 85 meters and garden 50 meters 0
1 / 17
EGP 1,100,000

Chalet for sale in Ras Sudr, ground floor 85 meters and garden 50 meters

Ras Sedr, South Sinai
4 weeks ago
Area (m²)83
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Chalet for sale in Ras Sudr, ground floor 85 meters and garden 50 meters 2 rooms, reception, bathroom and fully furnished kitchen. . A very special location in the middle of the village, 200 meters from the swimming pool and 3 minutes from the sea Maintenance and utilities deposit paid Electricity meter, water meter, 2000 liter water tank and water motor Share in the land Yasmina Ras Sudr Village, 14 km from the city, on Ras Matarma Bay, the most beautiful beach in Ras Sudr Required: 1,100,000 For faster communication with sales Please call (View phone number) To communicate via WhatsApp Amal Nour El Din https://api. whatsapp. com/send?phone=20(View phone number)
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