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chalet for sale in Catania Marassi North Coast 0
1 / 10
EGP 18,000,000

chalet for sale in Catania Marassi North Coast

Marassi, North Coast
1 month ago
Area (m²)153
Payment OptionCash
chalet for sale in Catania Marassi North Coast Area: 153 meters 3 bedrooms + nanny's room with bathroom 3 bathrooms With furniture Third floor Sea view Price 18,000,000 Marassi North Coast is one of the most important large coastal villages implemented on the Mediterranean coast, in the North Coast city located between the governorates of Marsa Matrouh and Alexandria. Marassi North Coast Village was established on a vast area exceeding 6 million square meters, and this area included many services and features that made the village the best choice for anyone looking for new meanings of comfort and luxury. Marassi North Coast Village is characterized by the diversity of units, as well as designs and spaces. The project includes different units of chalets, villas and apartments, each with its own features, all this and more comes in the midst of an atmosphere of calm and charming nature, where the purity of the water, the softness of the white sand, the abundance of green spaces, landscape and swimming pools. ahmed adam
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