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Cam - حوض تغيير الملابس الآسيوي ومحطة تغيير الملابس ذات الأدراج 0
1 / 4
EGP 6,000

Cam - حوض تغيير الملابس الآسيوي ومحطة تغيير الملابس ذات الأدراج

Sidi Gaber, Alexandria
2 weeks ago
Price TypeNegotiable
TypeBath Tub
سعر الجديدة ٢٥٠٠٠ و غير متوفرة في مصر فقط ممكن شرائها من الإمارات Soft changing mat with tip-up prevention system Baby bath with 2 anatomically-shaped seats (one seat with incline for babies from 0 to 6 months and the other seat with armrests for babies from 6 to 12 months) Soap and sponge compartments Plug and water drainage pipe 4 drawers with metal runners 4 castors, 2 of which have a brake Wooden top for use as a furniture unit
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