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At the lowest price, book a chalet on the sea at the beginning of the northern coast, a village entirely on the sea 0
1 / 11
EGP 2,800,000
EGP 280,000 Down Payment

At the lowest price, book a chalet on the sea at the beginning of the northern coast, a village entirely on the sea

Lasirena North Coast, North Coast
2 weeks ago
Area (m²)50
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Book a chalet on the sea at the beginning of the North Coast, a village entirely on the sea  Its location is at kilometer 58, a village with integrated services at the highest level The area of ​​the chalet is 50 square meters, very distinctive on the sea  Divided into (1 room - 1 bathroom - terrace - kitchen - reception)  At a total price of 2,800,000  With a contract downpayment of 10% + (280,000 thousand) and installments for 8 years without interest  There is more than one payment method available   For inquiries + reservations, call (View phone number) + WhatsApp is available  Or call me privately and leave your number It is close to a group of vital areas such as: El Alamein City, Ras El Hekma and Burj Al Arab Airport. The new village of Glee El Alamein, Glee North Coast, is a village developed by Tharaa Developments, located in a strategic location on the North Coast near many vital areas.
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