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A chalet in Ain Sokhna Hills with a view of the lagoon and the sea, in a prime location near the main Zaafarana Road 0
1 / 10
EGP 3,930,000

A chalet in Ain Sokhna Hills with a view of the lagoon and the sea, in a prime location near the main Zaafarana Road

Telal Sokhna, Ain Sukhna
1 month ago
Area (m²)108
Payment OptionCash
Sea ViewGymPool
Enjoy the soft sand and natural scenery on the most beautiful beaches of the Red Sea in Ain Sokhna Ultra super deluxe finishing chalet in Telal Village Near La Vista and Porto, minutes away The latest projects of Roya Group You will own your chalet directly on the sea with an area of ​​​​108 square meters Payment methods vary 50% down payment The rest is paid in installments over several years without interest Other payment methods are available Enjoy the best entertainment services and meet the needs of all owners (At Telal Ain Sokhna, there are large green spaces, landscapes, and picturesque natural views surrounding the entire resort, represented by dense trees and public gardens. There are also creative and colorful flower beds for the village owners to enjoy a dazzling natural view) For reservations and details (View phone number) Available phone + WhatsApp
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